Social Studies / History
The Pericles Group (TPG) seeks proposals for a game-based curriculum in Social Studies / History, at any level or over several levels, in TPG’s practomimetic curriculum model. The successful proposal will feature:
- An alternate-reality game (ARG) layer in which students are recruited as agents of some kind, on a mission to fulfill learning-objectives. (For example, the “Operation” of “Operation LAPIS.”)
- A role-playing game (RPG) narrative in which students play collaboratively to control characters in an immersion-space, in which the ending of the narrative sees the characters mastering the same learning-objectives. (For example, the “TSTT immersion-space” of Operation LAPIS.)
- Strong, explicit correspondence between the play-objectives of both the ARG and RPG layers and the Common Core curricular standards for Science to be found here. (For example, the Grammatical & Cultural Objectives of Operation LAPIS.)
- Game mechanics that function as learning activities towards play/learning objectives and engage students in problem-based, game-based, and play-based, student-centered, and/or authentic learning. (For example, collaborative role-playing in which students must respond to domain-critical situations, like dining as a Roman in Operation LAPIS.)
- Embedded means of providing continuous formative embedded assessment that also functions as feedback for student-agents. (For example, the operative dossier in Operation LAPIS.)
- A possible timetable for development of the curriculum.
Please refer to the information about Operation LAPIS at practomime.com for the shape of an example of this kind of curriculum.
The authors of successful proposals will be given the opportunity to participate in the delivery, promotion, and scaling of their curriculum in both the classroom and homeschool markets.
Payment will be as a percentage of profits, up to $5000, and will also include free lifetime access for you and any students you teach directly to all TPG materials.